it has happened.
it only took three months, but i have succumb to the busy London traffic and had my first bike/truck incident. as a result, the fanta express fixie is no longer....
Last Wednesday i was riding to work - a 6 mile, 17min commute into town. Earlier in the morning i had been out with Captain on a training ride and was discussing being hit by cars, and the potential money windfall you can pick up.
long story short, cruising to work, go over a busy intersection and up ahead on the left hand side of the road is a garbage truck which pulls over and puts its hazard lights on. i choose to go around the truck (as he has pulled over) and continue on my way to work. it is then that the stupid Romanian driver decides he wants to perform a u-turn. without looking or seeing me he does this in front of me (hazards still on). i try to push around in front of him (other option was straight into the side of the truck) but he keeps going and i am unable to get in front. ending result is i have to drop my bike and bail out otherwise I'm going under this truck. i bounce off the truck and land on my feet fortunately relatively unhurt. the truck drives over the back of my bike and crushes the rear stay beyond repair. the back rim is also bent out of shape and the weight of the truck sheared the bolt off the rear hub.
i then have to walk the remaining 2km to work with the bike on my shoulder.
legal proceedings have commenced.
on the up side, im ok (a little cut on the ankle and a tight lower back) and i have bought a new bike - the FE2. this one is a similar fixie i picked up for £150. frame is bright orange! photos to come!
enjoy and ride safe!.